My graduating class from high school was only about 65 students. The majority of us had known each other since Pre-K/Kindergarten and our families had been friends for years.
I couldn't walk into a restaurant without having to stop and talk to at least three different people and half of the county knew when I did something, before I even knew I was going to do it!
While sometimes living in a small town was a little annoying, I wouldn't have traded it for anything and here are five of the best things about growing up in a county with a population of only around 13,000.

I learned to appreciate tradition.
Growing up, I always knew that on Friday nights we would be at the football field cheering on the high school team. We had a huge game at the end of every season with our cross-town rival and it was a huge tradition to celebrate the entire week of the game with bonfires, pep rallies, and parades.
It may not seem like much, but it really brought our whole side of town together and made us lean on one another. Those are definitely memories I will never forget.

I learned the importance of family.
In a small town, family means everything. They are the people you lean on, the people who teach you right from wrong, and the people that are always there to lend a hand when things get hard.
Growing up, I probably didn't appreciate my family as much as I should have, but I learned over the years that there is nothing better to come home to than your family.

I learned how important hard work is.
My daddy will always be the one I look up to when it comes to working hard. He woke up early in the morning, worked all day long-sometimes past dark, and then came home with a smile still on his face. He may have always been working hard, but he also always made time for us kids, when we needed him.
That work ethic is instilled in me and I'm so proud of it.

If something happened in your family such as death or sickness, the entire community took the time to pitch in and bring a covered dish or an entire meal.
There is nothing better than knowing that your neighbors will stop by and help take care of you and your family in your time of need. I distinctly remember every single time there was a death or sickness in the community, everyone would come together to fill that family's table and freezer. I can't imagine anything more comforting than having your neighbors around you when you're going through hard times.

I always know I have a place to call home.
My small town may have been tiny & all of my friends may have wanted to fly off and leave after high school ended, but I knew that I would always come back to this place and call it my home.
There is nothing better than knowing you will always have somewhere that will welcome you back with open arms.
While some people may think that small towns are too much drama and too small for their tastes, I couldn't imagine growing up anywhere else and I sure wouldn't want to raise my family anywhere else. I'm from that small town America where everyone knows your name and welcomes you with open arms...and I wouldn't have it any other way.
What about you, do you prefer the small town or the big city?
Until next time...
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