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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Little Bit of Life {No. 7}

Hey y'all!

I'm back at this blogging thing today with a catch up post to let you know what I've been up to, what I've been loving and using, and just to share a little bit of my life with you lovely people!

If you've been following along on social media, like my insta (@SouthernStylista) then you would know that my husband and I have spent the last four days in Music City exploring and eating our way through the entire city. But expect a full post on Nashville coming up soon!

It was our first time vacationing to a "big city" instead of to the beach or the quaint-ness of Savannah, so it was an adjustment, but we absolutely loved it and were so sad to leave Monday morning.

I made this recipe for pan-fried chicken fingers and y'all, they turned out amazing.
So easy for a weeknight dinner, I just served mashed potatoes and a spinach side salad with them and it was SO yummy.

Before we left for vacation, we spent Memorial Day weekend at the lake with one of our best friends and his family.

It was an awesome way to spend the weekend; cruising on the boat, grilling out and eating on the deck, and just laughing together. 

We even spotted a bald eagle nest at the lake; you can hardly tell but it was perched inside with it's babies (a few minutes after this photo, it flew down into the water and caught a fish!)

But above all, we spent time reflecting and honoring those who have given their life to give us the freedom to enjoy a three day weekend.

Y'all know how I feel about face masks...I kind of have an addiction.
So I picked up one from my favorite brand, Valentia, and needless to say-after a weekend full of excess, I needed a good detoxifying skin mask.

This one burns just a little bit when you first put it on your skin, but if you can wait the literal 2 seconds that it burns, it will turn cool and you'll be able to reap the benefits.

I highly recommend it-plus, it smells absolutely amazing!

Another cool skin product I've been trying out (from another one of my favorite brands, Exuviance!) is the Glycolic Expert Moisturizer.

When I was on the hunt for new moisturizer I started doing some research because everyone was recommend Gylcolic but honestly, I had no clue what that meant.

I'll help you out if you're as clueless as I was-it basically naturally exfoliates your skin to allow for new skin cell turnover (it's really good for anti-aging!)

I started using this and at first didn't heed the research that I had done, that research told me to start off slowly, only using it every other night. The research also told me to make sure I used a good facial sunscreen because glycolic moisturizer makes your skin sensitive to sun.

Once I heeded these instructions, my face began to actually absorb the benefits and hasn't been so irritated.

My point is, I love this moisturizer-it keeps my skin feeling so soft and hydrated. But make sure you follow directions!

Of course I have to share what I'm reading lately...
If you're as wedding obsessed as I am (even though I've now been married for a full year-a post about that will also be up soon!) then you'll love this little novella.

Kiss the Bride is a book that contains three love stories and it explores the people that make the weddings actually happen; the planners, the musicians, and the photographers!

I just love these sweet, easy reads for summertime.
Especially when I can curl up on my chaise and read in the mornings with a cup of coffee in my new Biscuit Love coffee cup from Nashville!

The last thing I want to share is my June Target Beauty Box!
Although it is sold out, I linked to the page on where you can see what all goodies we got this month (11 products!) and purchase full sizes for yourself.

There must've been a men's box this month that I didn't see, or I would've purchased it for my hubby!

I'll be doing a full review of this box coming soon, so be on the look-out for that soon, until then you can dream of what might be in a box called "Sun Kissed"!

Let me know in the comments down below if you have a beauty box you subscribe to or buy each month and what you think of it?

I love the Target box, mostly because it's such a rush of excitement to snag it before it sells out!

Until next time. . .


A big thank you to Valentia and Exuviance for providing me with product in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.  Thank you for supporting brands who support The Southern Stylista.


  1. Wow, between your travel posts to Nashville and the beautiful lake, then your latest book, and your latest Target Beauty Box for June you have been busy!! :)

    I am waiting for my June Curated Birchbox which has 6 goodies that I wanted to try out this June!! :)


  2. I had no idea Target did this! How cool! Make-up and stuff like that usually overwhelms me but I know I should learn eventually lol

  3. sounds like you've been having fun! excited to see your post on Music City - I've never been! how cool you saw a bald eagle!

    stop by and chat with me ♥

  4. Looks like you've been having fun traveling! I love Nashville! Can't wait to hear all about it!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  5. These pictures are so nice! Lovely little life round up!


    Tamara -

  6. I really enjoyed using that face mask too. I found that it was really gentle on my skin despite it being a more aggressive exfoliator than what I am used to.

  7. Been wanting to try the Target box for a while now!

    Alix |

  8. I also reviewed the Valencia mask! Unfortunately, the burn was too aggressive for me. In good faith, I couldn't recommend the product to anyone but I'm glad you liked it!
    Kayla || Keynotes from Kay

  9. I've been looking for a new moisturizer to use so I can't wait to try that one!

  10. Traveling,food,good book ,vacation sound great

  11. I had no idea that Target did a box but I'm so pumped now that I know! I can't wait to see your post about your time in Nashville - I've never been but I've heard it's a beautiful city!

    // Hannah

  12. I grew up in Nashville and it is such a fun place to visit! Four days is a great amount of time to spend there.

  13. can't wait to see your nashville recap, glad you guys had a great trip!

  14. Seems like you've really been keeping busy! I have wanted to try the Target Beauty Box for so long! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for your review.

  15. Your Memorial day trip looks like so much fun! Just added that book to my to read list!!

    xo Ashley

  16. southern food is dangerous! great pictures, I've never been to nashville !

  17. Looks like you've had a great few weeks! I subscribe to Birchbox and I LOVE it.
    XO Amanda |

  18. SO jealous of your trip to Nashville! I'm dying to explore more of the South!!

  19. My Target box arrived today. I always look forward to them, but this time the fragrances nearly killed me, Well, not really, just gave me a bad headache. Less expensive skincare has less natural fragrances which cause me issues.

    Anyways, I bought the mens box but that one didn't arrive yet. I usually catch the boxes minutes upon release.

  20. Seems like you've been having a ton of fun lately! Being in the midwest sure does make me lust for the ocean more, but I love lake days. It's been a while since I even had one of those though. I gotta change that soon!

  21. Sounds like a great weekend - I've always wanted to try the target beauty box! Fingers crossed for next month

    Pick Your Beau

  22. These photos are gorgeous!

  23. I would love to spend a few days exploring nashville, it seems like a city with such a rich history and probably such incredible food!

  24. You are a talented photographer and I love Nashville. Your vacay looks great.

  25. The book sounds like a great summer read. Also, I'm excited to try a Target Beauty Box!

  26. Nashville is awesome! I've only ever been once and it was for a dance competition several years ago, but I'm dying to go back soon!


  27. You've had a busy month! I totally missed this months beauty box from Target! :(

  28. Beautiful pictures! That book sounds like a great read! I need to grab a couple of books before I head on vaca! :)

  29. Such a fun post! It sounds like you guys had an awesome Memorial Day weekend and trip to Nashville! I'll have to check out those skincare products!

    Stephanie |

  30. Looks like you've a fabulous couple of weeks! I need to try that mask!

  31. So fun!! Nashville is such a cool place. I can't wait for your roundup post!

    Sara Kate Styling

  32. My sister lives in Nashville so I travel there often, the food is so good!!! I love Biscuit Love and Bar Taco! Need to try to bo-nuts though they look amazing!!
    Another great place is Fido if you've never checked it out :)

  33. I am in the midst of planning a Nashville trip I hear it's such a fun city!


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