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Similar Longall / Charlie's Oxford Shirt Onesie
Sweet brother picture!
It's so hard to believe that four months have already passed with our sweet Charlie!
If you missed it, here's his three month update & what he received for Christmas.
Weight: 13 lbs 11 oz
Similar Longall / Charlie's Oxford Shirt Onesie
Sweet brother picture!
It's so hard to believe that four months have already passed with our sweet Charlie!
If you missed it, here's his three month update & what he received for Christmas.
Weight: 13 lbs 11 oz
Moving out of straight 3 month clothes (his jammies are starting to all get a little tight in the toes!) and into 3-6 or 6 month things. He's such a long guy!
We've made some strides in the sleep area!
He's not sleeping through the night yet, he's actually still waking up to eat about every 2-3 hours throughout the night.
A few nights throughout the month, he had a really hard time going back down after waking up to eat...I'm talking two nights I was up almost three hours with him, it was tough.
But I figured out that he wanted to roll over and he wasn't able with his current sleeping arrangement-so we ditched the swaddle 100% and moved him back into his Halo Bassinest without the Dock-A-Tot this time and bam-he was happy.
Turns out, he's a tummy sleeper just like Chris & I and that's what makes him happy.
His naps have greatly improved as well since he's napping almost exclusively in his crib in his own room.
We're starting to look for a good video monitor so we can move him into his crib at night if y'all have any suggestions?
We've made some strides in the sleep area!
He's not sleeping through the night yet, he's actually still waking up to eat about every 2-3 hours throughout the night.
A few nights throughout the month, he had a really hard time going back down after waking up to eat...I'm talking two nights I was up almost three hours with him, it was tough.
But I figured out that he wanted to roll over and he wasn't able with his current sleeping arrangement-so we ditched the swaddle 100% and moved him back into his Halo Bassinest without the Dock-A-Tot this time and bam-he was happy.
Turns out, he's a tummy sleeper just like Chris & I and that's what makes him happy.
His naps have greatly improved as well since he's napping almost exclusively in his crib in his own room.
We're starting to look for a good video monitor so we can move him into his crib at night if y'all have any suggestions?
Since I stay at home with Charlie, we have a pretty good schedule down on regular days. Not every day is an all-day at home kind of day, but a lot of them are.
He wakes up for good between 6:30-7:30 and then I pull him into our bed to relax for a few minutes and snuggle. He usually drifts off back to sleep in the middle of our bed while I brush my teeth, etc.
If he's still asleep, I'll feed & let out Forrest and start my coffee and then I'll go back and get him up since he's usually awake by this time.
We eat and play, he can usually stay awake for an hour and forty-five minutes to two hours until he's ready for his next nap.
I tend to follow his cues for eating and we just nurse on demand since that's easiest for us, but he's going about two and a half to three hours between feedings now.
He usually naps around 9ish, then 12ish, then 2ish, and then his last nap of the day is somewhere between 4 and 5.
Bedtime is somewhere between 7 and 8, typically.
Since I stay at home with Charlie, we have a pretty good schedule down on regular days. Not every day is an all-day at home kind of day, but a lot of them are.
He wakes up for good between 6:30-7:30 and then I pull him into our bed to relax for a few minutes and snuggle. He usually drifts off back to sleep in the middle of our bed while I brush my teeth, etc.
If he's still asleep, I'll feed & let out Forrest and start my coffee and then I'll go back and get him up since he's usually awake by this time.
We eat and play, he can usually stay awake for an hour and forty-five minutes to two hours until he's ready for his next nap.
I tend to follow his cues for eating and we just nurse on demand since that's easiest for us, but he's going about two and a half to three hours between feedings now.
He usually naps around 9ish, then 12ish, then 2ish, and then his last nap of the day is somewhere between 4 and 5.
Bedtime is somewhere between 7 and 8, typically.
He's just the happiest baby, y'all.
He cries if he's overtired or over hungry, but other than that he's a happy champ.
He will fuss a little when he's frustrated with his rolling over or with a toy, but his hand-eye coordination is improving and he's able to really do what he wants more now!
He cries if he's overtired or over hungry, but other than that he's a happy champ.
He will fuss a little when he's frustrated with his rolling over or with a toy, but his hand-eye coordination is improving and he's able to really do what he wants more now!
Being a big boy and sleeping on his tummy (even though it still freaks me out!)
Being outside-this Spring & Summer is going to be so fun
His Skip-Hop Activity Table
Being outside-this Spring & Summer is going to be so fun
His Skip-Hop Activity Table
Not being able to crawl or move independently-he gets so frustrated because he can't move on his own!
Rolling over-both ways, but he definitely prefers rolling from his back to his stomach
Sleeping in his crib for most naps (on his tummy)
Improved hand-eye coordination when playing with toys
Rolling over-both ways, but he definitely prefers rolling from his back to his stomach
Sleeping in his crib for most naps (on his tummy)
Improved hand-eye coordination when playing with toys
Places You've Gone:
Bass Pro Shop to meet Santa for the first time
Prattville to pick up Mama's new vehicle
Spent the night with Nana, PawPaw, and Aunt Julie and another night with Gran & Papa while we went to New Orleans this past weekend!
Mama & Charlie's Favorites:
I decided not to do a big graphic for this month's faves because honestly, we're using a lot of the same things but I do have two or three things that have been good for us this month!
Even Super Heros Have to Sleep
This little book was a gift from my high school best friend's mom and y'all-it is SO cute.
For boys or girls, this is the perfect bedtime book.
Ameda Store-n-Pour Bags & Adapters
These adapters and bags are lifesavers when you're pumping while traveling.
The trip took us around 6 hours, so I had to pump in the car and it gets difficult trying to pour up bottles of milk into bags while going down the highway.
These bags & adapters hook up to my Medela pump and I don't have to pour up anything, I just label and toss them in the cooler!
No-Bake Energy/Lactation Cookie Balls
I found a recipe on Pinterest and wrote it down, but of course I can't find it now to link it, so I'll just share the recipe. These were SO yummy & perfect for snacking on while Chris & I were on our trip to New Orleans. I was trying to make sure my supply stayed up and I don't know if these had anything to do with it, but they were a tasty, relatively healthy treat that were easy to make and transport so I'll definitely be making them again ASAP.
1 cup old-fashioned oats
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (but use crunchy if you like that!)
1/2 cup ground flaxseed (can be found at Wal-Mart!)
1 cup of shredded coconut
1/3 cup of honey (it's even better for you if you can find honey local to your area)
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
Just combine them all in a bowl, refrigerate for one hour, roll into balls of desired size and then either refrigerate or store in the freezer.
Bass Pro Shop to meet Santa for the first time
Prattville to pick up Mama's new vehicle
Spent the night with Nana, PawPaw, and Aunt Julie and another night with Gran & Papa while we went to New Orleans this past weekend!

Mama & Charlie's Favorites:
I decided not to do a big graphic for this month's faves because honestly, we're using a lot of the same things but I do have two or three things that have been good for us this month!
Even Super Heros Have to Sleep
This little book was a gift from my high school best friend's mom and y'all-it is SO cute.
For boys or girls, this is the perfect bedtime book.
Ameda Store-n-Pour Bags & Adapters
These adapters and bags are lifesavers when you're pumping while traveling.
The trip took us around 6 hours, so I had to pump in the car and it gets difficult trying to pour up bottles of milk into bags while going down the highway.
These bags & adapters hook up to my Medela pump and I don't have to pour up anything, I just label and toss them in the cooler!
No-Bake Energy/Lactation Cookie Balls
I found a recipe on Pinterest and wrote it down, but of course I can't find it now to link it, so I'll just share the recipe. These were SO yummy & perfect for snacking on while Chris & I were on our trip to New Orleans. I was trying to make sure my supply stayed up and I don't know if these had anything to do with it, but they were a tasty, relatively healthy treat that were easy to make and transport so I'll definitely be making them again ASAP.
1 cup old-fashioned oats
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (but use crunchy if you like that!)
1/2 cup ground flaxseed (can be found at Wal-Mart!)
1 cup of shredded coconut
1/3 cup of honey (it's even better for you if you can find honey local to your area)
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
Just combine them all in a bowl, refrigerate for one hour, roll into balls of desired size and then either refrigerate or store in the freezer.
those energy balls sound yummy and easy to make!